I had a lot of time to think on what I wrote today during my ride home. I had all that time because it took me 52 minutes to drive 3.9 miles (to be honest it usually takes me 25 minutes on average). The biggest delay was a stretch of road that is 1 mile long that took me 30 minutes today. I could have literaly WALKED that distance TWICE for that same time. The reson behind that huge delay was that they’ve blocked off a large section of one of the main intersections – on Friday evening. Not that they were working on it – no. There was not a single worker anywhere in sight not to mention at work.
Once I was out of that stretch and was “speeding” with the rest of the traffic at neckbreaking 20 mph I was greeted by countless potholes, some of which are the size of Texas. So that got me thinking on where does all that tax money go. You know the same money that I am paying to the federal and state government – all 40+% of my income.
So I hope that closure does not turn into one of the other places I “have” to drive through in my neighbourhood like one of the freeway underpasses that has been 50% closed for repairs for the last 6 YEARS. Or my favorite freeway overpass that is a main arterie in that part of town that has been in repairs for the last 11 years. I keep hoping that it will be repaired by the time I die of old age so that I at least get to ride on the overpass in my casket in peace.
The potholes and miserable road conditions are the least of our problems. One would think that with so much tax revenue and the fact that we’ve run into the largest deficit ever we’d have something to show for it. I started looking at what do we have to show for it:
We certainly don’t have healthcare to show for. The condition of the US healthcare is miserable … and I am one of the few lucky people that have what is considered a “good health insurance”. So that’s not something we have to show for. I know – how about our University and school systems! Nope that’s not it either, they are just getting even more funding cut from them and they’re already in a miserable situation as it is. How about parks, the beach, public areas in gerenal? Nope that’s not it either becase at least around here all of those things are left behind and are slowly but surely deteriorating. So what is there? I thought and I thought and I could not find anything that pops in my mind. If any of you people thinks of something please let me know – I’d love to know what I did not see.
But wait there’s more ™ – There’s even more billions of dollars being pumped somewhere (I’d love to be more specific but can someone really show where all these money is going to and what results it brings) in bailouts after the previous bailout had near zero effect on the stock market, on the housing situation, on the economy as a whole. So there’s more good money thrown after bad with nothing to show for. Higher ups get more perks and bonuses and money to blow, while the average and lower class people get shafted yet again.
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